How I work

What I provide is a safe space where you can explore your true thoughts and feelings without being judged. This can help you deal with emotional and other issues which may be difficult or painful to deal with alone. This in turn can empower you and help you build confidence and resilience.

I don’t have a fixed way of working. I believe that different clients need different therapy styles at different times. We will work together in whatever way we feel would be useful at the time. This might include looking at recurring patterns throughout your life which contribute to difficulties, or we might explore triggers caused by specific situations, and work through coping mechanisms. Some people find it useful to re-examine past experiences which are a source of anger, guilt and shame, and reframe them to come to acceptance.

It may just be that you need that hour a week to focus on yourself. It may be that you need to learn to be kinder to yourself.

Self-awareness is key in therapy. I can help you become more conscious of your own thought processes and the way in which you react to situations. I may invite you to look at things in a different way to which you have previously. This change in awareness can then lead to those difficult situations becoming easier to deal with.

One thing I have learnt above everything else throughout my training and practice is that whatever the counselling techniques a therapist uses, the one thing that really matters is the relationship between client and counsellor. If we both come to the counselling space fully invested, open and honest with each other, then results follow.

In truth, you probably already know the solution to your problems. I can help you to find it. You are the expert of you, but I can be your facilitator to help you see the wood for the trees.