Does online counselling work?

I have to admit that back in 2020 having only experienced face to face counselling myself, I was unsure whether counselling via Zoom or another online platform would work.

However, when Covid struck, many of us became very familiar with Zoom and other online meeting platforms, and using them no longer seems so strange. My experience tells me that online counselling can be just as beneficial as face to face for many people.

Most of us now are used to communicating online. The benefit of eliminating travel time is certainly a factor. Counselling can now take an hour out of your day instead of, previously, probably two or three hours, with travel time to and from the counselling space. Online counselling also opens doors for those with mobility or severe anxiety who would perhaps previously found it difficult to attend a therapy room.

There are factors to consider

  • Do you have a space where you can talk freely and not be overheard or interrupted?
  • Do you have a reliable internet connection?
  • Do you have suitable equipment with which to attend the sessions? A smartphone can work well, but a larger screen such as a laptop feels more engaging.

Online counselling isn’t for everybody. Some people appreciate the journey to a counselling space and the ‘neutral ground’ that it offers, but the benefits of working online can outweigh the disadvantages for many people.